Saturday, September 18, 2010

Swiss Days in Midway

Eating a "Swiss Taco".

1 comment:

  1. Hello Hello
    I am a kazuhiko uncle of japan.
    Do you understand it?
    (miyagino kazuhikokun desuyo wakariamsuka?)

    I found this site today
    (kyou kono saito wo mitukemasita)

    It seemed to be cheerful and felt relieved
    (genkisoude ansinsimasita)

    It seems to be a true older sister
    (hontouno oneecyan mitaidane)

    A younger sister and a younger brother are pretty
    (imouto to otouto kawaiine)

    Parents seem to be tender, too
    (ryousin mo yasasisou)

    In addition, I come to look at the state
    (mata yousuo mini kurukarane)

    There is not confidence at all whether it is right English
    (tadasii eigoka mattaku jisin arimasen)

